Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life in Mesopotamia

There were many important cities in ancient Mesopotamia.  Some of these cities have been rediscovered and excavated by archaeologists.  Your task is to research and discover for yourself what life in one of these cities. 
Choose one city and write a short description of various aspects of how it's citizens lived. Explain these factors for the city of your choice:
  • artistic
  • social
  • political
  • intellectual
  • religious
  • economic
You should write approximately 2-3 sentences (one short paragraph) for each factor.
Start this post by identifying which city you are analyzing and the location of that city in Mesopotamia.
Please include three pictures in your post that help to illustrate your information.

This assignment is due (posted on your blog) by the end of Thursday, September 29th.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Dougherty, even though this has nothing to do with the assignment but I don't know where to write this so I'm writing it here. I just need to say that at the student blogs, when you click the link that says J.J., it gives me Byeong Jae's blog, not Jong Jin's (who commonly known & called as JJ). Byeong Jae has given an English name by himself (i guess)'Jay' because Byeong Jae isn't a name that is easy to pronounce or remember for non-Koreans. So I think you were thinking that that blog was JJ's blog. Would you change that, please? I know it isn't a big problem but it just annoys me. Sorry for bothering you and thank you :)
