Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Biography of Zheng He

Your assignment:  Write your own biographical sketch of Zheng He
  • What your essay should include:
    • Information about his childhood
      • where was he born?
      • who were his parents?
      • What was an important event in his childhood that affected his adult life?
    • Information about China
      • how was he influenced by what was happening in China at the time he lived?
      • how was he able to achieve importance in Chinese society?
    • Information about his accomplishments
      • what did he achieve?
      • what was his influence on  other cultures/history?
      • how is he remembered?
*You should post your essay, along with three pictures that relate to your topic, to your blog.  Your essay should be between 300-450 words.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Legend of Zheng He

The Chinese Treasure Fleets were an important step in the spread of culture, trade and important ideas - it was also an influential step toward European exploration of the Western Hemisphere.  The leader of the Chinese navy at the beginning of the 15th century was a man known as Zheng He.  Who was he and what were his contributions to world history?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Who was Alexander the Great?

Your assignment is to conduct research regarding Alexander the Great.
You should write a 3-4 paragraph blog posting that explains:
  • his early life before he rose to power
  • who did he conquer and how did he accomplish so much?
  • what is he known for?
  • what did his accomplishments mean to the world - what was his influence?
You should site your resources used and provide three pictures that relate to your topic.